Miscellaneous - Larryland -Gonebush

Larryland 2013
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In Part one: Peace and quiet in the Queensland, Australia bush with the Kangaroos and Wallabies.<br />A two part series of a mans and his trips to his property where he camps and enjoys the natural surroundings <br />of the Australian wild life.
Part two has a brief look at the blue claw fresh water cray fish as well as a makeshift stove and a walk with the kangaroos.

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Thank you for taking the time to look over this website.
On this page you will find  a couple short videos that were taken on the property a few years back.
I hope you find them entertaining if nothing else.
Feel free to contact me for any more information and please leave some feed back.
Cheers- Larry
All images copyright - L.E.Waite 2017  - Larry Waite
reconnecting with nature
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